How Reusable Rockets Are Changing Space Travel

Did you ever watch a rocket launch and wonder what happens to it after it blasts off? I bet most of you did. But did you know that some rockets can be used again? Yes, you heard that right—rockets that can be launched, landed, and then launched again, revolutionizing space travel. Welcome to Engineering Master. In this article, we will dive into the fascinating world of reusable rockets and discover how they are changing space travel.

What is Iris scanning? How it is different from fingerprint scanning?

We, human beings, have 3 things which are unique in each and every individual. They are fingerprints, DNA and iris pattern. Most of you must know about fingerprints and DNA scanning as they are widely used now-a-days. But do you ever thought how iris in our eyes helps to get us authenticated?

What is Inverter AC? How it is different from normal AC?

Summer is in dominant mood and everyone is looking forward to get relief from it. Most of us are using air conditioners (AC) for the same. I hope you must aware of a normal AC which is available in most of the electronics shop. But, Do you know, there is another type of AC known as Inverter AC?